B.Sc. Advisors

Life Sciences

דוא"ל טלפון משרד תפקיד - סילברמן
Dr. Tamar Avin Wittenberg Dr. Tamar Avin-Wittenberg 02-54-94023 Silberman 2-464 Prospective student advisor
Dr. Oren Ram Prof. Oren Ram 02-65-85408 Silberman 1-611 Mobilized students advisor
Dr. Yonatan Tzur Dr. Yonatan Tzur 02-65- Silberman 1-400 B.Sc. advisor


דוא"ל טלפון משרד תפקיד - סילברמן
Ms. Noa Lavie 02-65- Etgar coordinator
Dr. Netanel  Tzarum Dr. Netanel Tzarum 02-65-84160 Silberman 3-618 Head of B.Sc. program
Dr. Alon Zaslaver Prof. Alon Zaslaver 02-65-85758 Silberman 2-540 Head of B.Sc. program

Cemistry - Biology

דוא"ל טלפון משרד תפקיד - סילברמן
Ms. Merav Braitbard 02-65- Chemistry-biology coordinator
Dr. Dana Reichmann Prof. Dana Reichmann 02-65-86952 Silberman 1-637 Head of B.Sc. program


E-mail אתר אישי Phone Office
Ms. Shalhevet Klemfner
Psychobiology coordinator
02-65- Silberman 2-5XX
Prof. Eran Meshorer Prof. Eran Meshorer
Head of B.Sc. program
Research website 02-65-85161 Silberman 2-541
Prof. Sagiv Shifman Prof. Sagiv Shifman
Head of B.Sc. program
Research website 02-65-85396 Silberman 2-317