Dissertation Topics

Dr. Amnon Buxboim
Mechanobiology of Stem Cells and Nucleus
Sturctual & Molecular Biochemistry
  1. Nuclear lamins regulate oxidative homeostasis in health and disease.
  2. Nucleus mechanotransduction: applied mechanical forces stabilize the nuclear lamina and direct cell fate decision making.
  3. Mapping matrix directed protein interactome of A-type lamins using genetic code expansion.
  4. Single-cell analysis of matrix-directed differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.
  5. Mechanobiological profiling and regulation of oocyte maturation and embryo preimplantation development.
  6. Morphokinetic analysis of human embryo preimplantation development (computational).
  7. Developing machine-learning classifiers for evaluating the developmental potential of embryos during early preimplantation stages (computational).